The Neel Parent Advisory Services Inc. And The Goodwill V.I.N.T.A Ambassadors

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The Walls of Inspiration (photos and messages)


About The Wall of Inspiration

The Wall started out as a simple writing project in 2000. The goal of The Wall of Inspiration was to show the power and to encourage positive communication. After one of our members, for no apparent reason started receiving hateful messages in the form of notes, emails, phone calls from schoolmates. This unfortunate incident of bullying has been a great learning opportunity. After all, the right words can convey hope, faith, compassion, strength and commitment. The right words can also revitalize an old idea and give new ones the wings to fly.


The project has inspired countless young people over the years to move forward in pursuit of their dreams and goals, no matter what your disability or shortcomings are. The Wall, has involved a sense of pride, by the young people that have worked on the project over the years. 


Every summer as a part of our Anti Bully Campaign we display The Wall of Inspiration and speaking to audiences of about the power of positive communication. Members of the Poetry Club will recite poems of empowerment.


We have been honored with the participation, Drew Barrymore, Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, Former President Bush Sr., President Chen (President of the Republic of China -Taiwan), Former  President Clinton, Sean (P-Diddy) Combs, Anderson Cooper, Walter Cronkite, Michael D. Eisner,  Gloria Estefan, Morgan Freeman  Melissa Gilbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Hawk, Merv Griffin, Nelson Mandela, Wynton Marsalis, Prince Albert  of Monaco, Nancy O’Dell, Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ben Stiller, John Travolta, Donald Trump and Henry Winkler just to name a few.  


The project has inspired many young people over the years to move forward in pursuit of their dreams and goals no matter what your disability or short coming.


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