The Neel Parent Advisory Services Inc. And The Goodwill V.I.N.T.A Ambassadors

Home | The Neel Parent Advisory Services Inc. | Annual Painting From The Heart Traveling Art Shows | About Us | Our Accomplishments | The Program and Projects | Angel In My Pocket Project | BEARY GOOD FIRDAY | The Walls of Inspiration (photos and messages) | PINK PUMPKINS FOR CANCER | Contact Us | Requesting your participation in The Wall of Inspiration Project.
Our Accomplishments

Goodwill V.I.N.T.A Ambassadors have accomplishment the following over the last ten years without the help of city, county, state or federal dollars.

We have accomplished the following by small monthly service fee, along with carrying out a series of fund-raising activities.


1998 - 2000 We arranged free and affordable transportation for 28 children from disadvantaged families for testing and treatment at Loma Linda Medical Children’s Hospital, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, Los Angeles Children’s Hospital, UCLA and USC Medical Center.


1998 - 2015 On-going campaign against Hyperthermia deaths of children (Please don’t leave me in the car). Every year they pass out flyers and car window decals to the public reminding everyone never

to leave children in a hot car during the summer.


1999 We gave out backpacks of school supplies to 100 children in Apple Valley Mountain Vista Area, along with helpful tips on doing Homework. We provided a pizza dinner for twenty families.


2000 The day before Halloween we gave out candy and 100 comic books in Apple Valley Mountain Vista Area along with information on how to be safe on Halloween.


2000 - 2014 The youths host an annual Art Show “Painting From The Heat Children” Celebrity Refrigerator Art Show is a Traveling Children Art Show around Southern California. Artwork done by young people with a variety of disabilities and non-disabled young artists from around Southern California that showcase along side original works of arts done by some amazing Professional and Emerging Professional California artists and celebrities. The goal of our Traveling Art Show is about empowerment through self-expression our mission is to eliminate stigma through the arts.


As we do every year The Goodwill V.I.N.T.A Youth Ambassadors vote on the theme, make the invitations and decoration. They decide on refreshments to be served and the music that will be played the evening at the art show. The kids also select the celebrities that we contact every year to participate in the art show and to be our guest.


2002 – 2015 Beary Good Friday - (Random Acts Of Kindness) – In 2002 We distributed 153 teddy bears to children at Loma Linda Children’s Hospital. 169 stuffed animals to the Victor Valley Prenatal Unit in Victorville Ca. 178 stuffed animals to the Soldiers of 1st. BN 185th Armor 40th INF Div. (Mech.) (Charles Company) to give to their families while, servicing in Iraq. From 2003 – 2006, 274 stuffed animals have been given out to children going sitting in hospital waiting rooms. From 2007- 2011, on Good Friday, we gave children sitting in ER waiting rooms of Saint Mary, Victorville Community and Desert Community Hospital. A total of 50 stuffed bears scented with lavender to in the hope of encouraging their emotional and physical healing.


In 2007, on Good Friday, we distributed a total of 50 stuffed bears scented with lavender to children sitting in hospital waiting rooms in the hope of encouraging their emotional and physical healing.

2002 – 2014 The Angel In My Pocket Project - (Random Act Of Kindness) Is a project to promote hope and love around the world. The Goodwill V.I.N.T.A Youth Ambassadors have sent and gave out Guardian Angel Medallions and Angel Cards that have been blessed to individuals around the world from all walks of life rich. They also sent out Angel Medallions to Soldiers servicing state side, overseas and recovering at Walter Reed Army Hospitals in Washington DC and the Soldiers of 1st. BN 185th Armor 40th INF Div. Too carry in their pocket to remind them that someone cares. As of December 2010, we have sent out 1750 angel cards and medallions.

2005 - 2007 - 2009 The parents hosted three conferences on violence in our schools and communities. In 2005 one of our guest panelists was Richard Riordan, former Los Angeles Mayor and California Secretary for Education.
1999 - 2015 The Walls of Encouragement and Inspiration started out as a simple writing project. The goal of this project was to encourage positive communication. After six years “The Wall ” has grown into the world’s largest collection of autographed photos, messages, notes and letters from celebrities and notable individuals from around the world. Addressed to a group of children on the significance of staying in school, getting their education and going for their dreams.

2003 - 2007 Letters of recognition from Senator Barbara Boxer, former President George Bush Sr., former President Bill Clinton, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Nelson Mandela.

2002 - 2010 We have received Commendation from the California Governor for The Wall of Inspiration, The Angel In My Pocket And Project VINTA Project (Violence Is Not The Answer)

2010 Received Commendation from the San Bernardino County Supervisors Mitzelfelt.

2004 - 2015 PINK PUMPKIN FOR CANCER - We paint plastic pumpkin PINK and bedazzle themin honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month on Halloween. We pass out information on Breast Cancer for women and a brochure on “Men get Breast Cancer too”. Along pass out candies and tooth brushes


2006 - 2009 Earth Day Project - Recycle Man reminds citizens to THINK GREEN EVERY DAY. Green vendors demonstrating products. The Reuser Fairy gives tips on giving new life to old objects and Trash Can Boy, teaches citizen how to dispose of items that could harm the plant earth and it inhabitants.


2008 - 2015 We created At A Glance Handbook and Playing Cards the 52 playing cards reminds players it is wrong to Bullying and what to do if you are being bullied. The cards also as the question,  Are you a bully? We have revised  BULLY NO MORE Anti Bully Campaign along with “At A Glance” Handbooks and Playing Cards.

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